Acupuncture: One Aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture is just a part of the complete Traditional Chinese medical system. Acupuncture works on the theory that the body’s vital life energy – Qi (pronounced Chi), flows through the body via channels or meridians. Another way to view this is that just as blood flows through veins, a body’s channel or meridian system is a the body’s energetic circulatory system where vital energy “Qi” flows.

Acupuncture Meridians

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture meridians are believed to be channels or pathways through which vital energy, called Qi (pronounced “chee”), flows throughout the body. These meridians connect various parts of the body, including organs, tissues, and even emotions, forming a complex network.

Here are some key points about Chinese acupuncture meridians:

  1. Meridian System: TCM recognizes a network of twelve main meridians, commonly referred to as the primary meridians. Each primary meridian is associated with specific organs and has a bilateral symmetry, meaning it exists on both sides of the body. These meridians are named after the organ they are primarily associated with, such as the Lung meridian or the Liver meridian.
  2. Yin-Yang and Five Elements: The meridian system is closely related to the concepts of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) in TCM. Each primary meridian is classified as either yin or yang, and they are further associated with specific elements. This classification helps understand the balance and interrelationship of energies within the body.
  3. Acupoints: Along the meridians, there are specific points known as acupoints. These acupoints are locations where the Qi can be accessed and manipulated. Acupuncture needles are inserted into these points to stimulate or regulate the flow of Qi within the meridians. There are hundreds of acupoints in the body, each with its own specific functions and indications.
  4. Connecting and Extraordinary Meridians: In addition to the primary meridians, TCM recognizes connecting meridians and extraordinary meridians. Connecting meridians bridge the primary meridians and facilitates the flow of Qi between them. Extraordinary meridians are deeper and broader channels that regulate and redistribute Qi throughout the body. These meridians are seen as reservoirs that store and distribute Qi to support the overall balance of the body.
  5. Diagnosis and Treatment: In TCM, practitioners diagnose imbalances or blockages in the flow of Qi within the meridians to understand the root cause of a person’s symptoms or conditions. Acupuncture treatment aims to restore the balance and smooth flow of Qi by stimulating specific acupoints along the meridians, using techniques such as needle insertion, moxibustion (application of heat), or acupressure.

Acupuncture Points – Acupoints

When an imbalance has been diagnosed the acupuncturist will insert small, sterile, disposable acupuncture needles strategically along specific meridians that correspond to the system that is experiencing an imbalance or disharmony. There are over 350 acupuncture points (acupoints). Each has its own healing effect and is selected by the acupuncturist in accordance with each individual’s signs and symptoms as part of an acupuncture point treatment for a patient’s overall health and healing.


Acupuncture can be used to address a wide range of symptoms and conditions. While the effectiveness of acupuncture may vary from person to person, here is a list of 20 common symptoms and conditions that acupuncture is often used to treat:

  1. Pain management (e.g., back pain, neck pain, joint pain)
  2. Headaches and migraines
  3. Stress, anxiety, and depression
  4. Insomnia and sleep disorders
  5. Digestive issues (e.g., nausea, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome)
  6. Fatigue and low energy
  7. Women’s health concerns (e.g., menstrual irregularities, fertility support, menopause symptoms)
  8. Allergies and sinus congestion
  9. Respiratory conditions (e.g., asthma, bronchitis)
  10. Arthritis and rheumatoid conditions
  11. Neurological disorders (e.g., sciatica, neuropathy)
  12. Skin conditions (e.g., eczema, acne, psoriasis)
  13. Immune system support
  14. Smoking Cessation and addiction management
  15. Side effects of cancer treatments (e.g., chemotherapy-induced nausea)
  16. High blood pressure and cardiovascular health support
  17. Sports injuries and musculoskeletal pain
  18. Tension and muscle tightness
  19. Postoperative recovery and pain relief
  20. General wellness and preventive care

Acupuncture as Part of Traditional Chinese Medicine

When looking for an acupuncturist, many people don’t realise that qualified acupuncturists have much more to offer than just sticking needles in different areas of the body. In fact, acupuncture as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine also includes treatments like Chinese herbal medicine, energy therapy (Chi Gong) and Chinese medical massage (Tui Na) techniques.


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